
Jan 28, 2016

Excellent app to practice First Certificate and Advanced! Free for iOS and Android! Click on the image:

Graphic from Cambridge English FC football app
Christmas time has been really amazing in Langcentre! We have decorated the corridors with the 2nd Xmas Cards Contest little pieces of art. The students voted for the best card in 3 different categories. Congratulations to Miriam Redó (Category 1) José Brillas (Category 2) i Carla Bataller (Category 3) on their well-deserved victory!
The students have been sorrounded by the magical Christmas atmosphere: carols, songs and "pica-pica" included. Levels 1 and 2 participated in different games and activities, ending up with an epic snowball fight with paper balls. 
We Langcentre Staff wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016! 

Nov 16, 2015

First Langcentre celebration 2015-2016! Enjoy!

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